Anyone Live With Someone Who Is an “alcoholic” but Doesn’t Think So?

Question by kathryn408: Anyone live with someone who is an “alcoholic” but doesn’t think so?
To make a long story short, my live-in boyfriend is an drunk and I can’t stand it no more! (Sorry, had to vent) I have been with this fellow for over 2 yrs and it seems his condition has worsen (or at least that is how I see it). When my boyfriend and I met was “on the front porch” – my apartment is next door to his cousins apartment. He used to work a travel job and would come to his cousins on the weekends and that is how we met. Well after awhile as the story goes, one thing let to another and we starting dating and I let him move into my home. Well after he quit the traveling job and worked a job near home (9 to 5 job) he is constantly outside like every night with the guys drinking to wee hours in the morning and then having a hard time getting up to go to work in the morning. He usually goes through 12 pk a night.
We are getting ready to move as he hates living here next to his cousins ;once we moves he will stop the drinking – I , dont think so. Am I alone here?
Thank you everyone that has so far responded…I ask myself everyday – should I stay with this guy? I guess in my heart, I am hoping he will change – but I know he has to do it for himself. I can’t change anyone I know. I guess why I am so against the drinking is that my parents are also alcholics and I know his father was one too (never met him) from what he has told me (his father died when he was 13 of the liver )he is now 40. His mother and sister know how bad he is and have tried talking to him over and over about it. His mother even told me to go to the AA meetings as she knows what I am going through (she went through the same thing with his dad but his dad died from it). I am only in my 30s – nights he passes out is a blessing ( i hate to say). I have tried the “better change or I am leaving” but get the same response, well I will change once we move out of here…..that is his excuse and as we know no excuse will work for his bad habit that he has to break himself.

Best answer:

Answer by justin72185
i am an alcoholic…but i don’t think so.

want me to prove it??? i just gave my wife a beautiful ring and tolder her i loved her, whilst i got into a n argument with the cat and flicked him off

Answer by melissa r
aa or al anon meetings for you. God bless you!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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