Do You Think “Interventions” for Depression Could Work?

Question by Jackie Brown: Do you think “Interventions” for depression could work?
Similar to . If someone needs help, do you think an intervention would effective?

Best answer:

Answer by michele
Yes, it is quite possible, assuming the goal of the intervention was to encourage the sufferer to seek treatment.

~Dr. B.~

Answer by DK42
Yes and no.
Yes because for the right kind of person it might be just enough to snap them into accepting they have a problem.

No because even though one may know they have a problem, until they hit rock bottom and are determine to fix said problem NO ONE can “fix them”.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink.

Give your answer to this question below!



OT Interventions-Depression and suicide – about the music–i seriously do not know. im changing it. later.


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