Temporary “depression” ?
Question by Danielle: Temporary “depression” ?
I am a 14 year old girl. I know most people reading this will say “How can a 14 year old be depressed?” Well I know I am not severely depressed, I just know that I have hit a hard spot in my life and I’m having a hard time getting out of it emotionally. I have been stressed beyond repair for the past week. I am an honors student who usually gets grades of 85 or better, but lately I have been receiving 60’s and 70’s. I usually have a party every two months will all of my friends, and my parents have threatened to cancel it if I do not get my grades up to 90’s and above. They’re very stubborn too. I’ve also been having troubles with the guy I like, and with responsibility and ESPECIALLY focusing. I know I am able to fix all these things, but even when I try to give myself a happy outlook on the situation I am only happy for about a minute. I know all of my friends care, but they’re not much help. Even a hug might help, but my friends don’t give good hugs. I hopefully will be over this by Christmas, but as for now I need something to help me stop feeling so sad, lonely and worthless. Please give suggestions. Thank you for everything.
Best answer:
Answer by tommy
hi for one thing the boyfriend situation will cause you to be distracted and depressed. guyys and girls your age are really influenced by your emotions and desires. i will tell you like i told my own children many times, don’t get too involved with any boys at a young age. concentrate on your school work and your family. when you get older, most of the people you call friends now will be nothing to you. but your family will always be there when you need them. how can a 14 year old child be depressed? hahaha a 14 year old can be depressed very easily. its called hormones. it is a common thing for teens to go through mild depressions at times due to hormone changes. the key is to make yourself focus on the things that matter to you. such as your school work, eating right, and making sure you have all the vitamins your body needs either in your diet or in vitamins. the diet will often help with focusing. i also know that at your age there will be bullies that will aggravate you and this also leads to some depression. to get yourself motivated join study groups to help get the grades back up. also you might need to make sure you are hanging out with the right friends. sometimes the people we are around can influence us in the wrong way. if your friends don’t give good hugs then maybe they are not the right friends lol. and if they don’t give you what you need for affection then turn to your family for the hugs. i am willing to bet that your mom or dad will give better hugs than any of your friends will. also talk to your family about how you are feeling or talk to your school counselor about how you are feeling they will more than likely know you better than anyone on yahoo answers and be able to help you more with suggestions that will help you more than people that don’t know you. good luck and i hope i have given you plenty of helpful advice and hope you feel better soon.
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Tags: world war ii, mild depression, old age, depression in old age, yahoo answers