Vince Carter – SOUL to SQUEEZE


Vince Carter – SOUL TO SQUEEZE – good to have him home special thanks to SLAM DUNK ADDICTION The Vince Carter Sanctuary is the most advanced dru…


Lower Township Council candidates meet in public forum
He said he would also support setting up a rehab center, drug court, and a homeless shelter. Conrad said Police Chief William Mastriana said there is no way to say that moving the PSB to Bayshore Road would reduce crime in the area, adding. Walker said … Read more on Shore News Today

'It was a violent time:' Safety, civil rights violations cited in push for
Question: All the drug rehabilitation centers in Prescott are causing the increase in the jail population, who not make them pay for it? Answer: That's logistically impossible. While the probably do contribute to the jail population … Read more on Prescott Daily Courier

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