Christians Who Do Not Accept That Jesus Is God?

Question by lbfr: Christians who do not accept that Jesus is God?
How do you explain that Jesus knew that he would be crucified, as when he said ‘ Take up your cross and follow me’ even before his crucifixion? And How did He know that Judas would betray him on Holy Thurdsay at the last supper? ‘ One of you will betray me tonight’. If he was not God, how would he have known any of those things? And how did he know that Peter would deny him three times?

Best answer:

Answer by Methane Mama
The only reason anyone thinks Jesus is God is because they know how foolish it would be to worship a mere man.

And, please, learn the history of your religion. Jesus did not write one word of your Bible. Everything you think Jesus said was written by other men who never met Jesus decades after His supposed death and resurrection.

Answer by Dusty Harry
Surely you must know that the gospels were written long after jeebus’ supposed death.

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