liver disease

Surveying the Latest Data in Fatty Liver Disease

...  the Latest Data in Fatty Liver Disease Significant advances in the diagnosis and management of patients with this increasingly common and daunting disease were presented at The Liver Meeting® 2015—the 66th annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD … Read more on Medscape The Young Woman Whose Addiction Story Touched Obama's Heart Just Died But she was in Michigan, where she'd moved for a residential drug rehab program. Her story, as …. “We begged them to ...

NEW October 10 – ‘My Husband Is an Out-of-Control Alcoholic!’ on DIVORCE COURT

  NEW October 10 – ‘My Husband is an Out-of-Control Alcoholic!’ On DIVORCE COURT – Kita claims her husband Mario is an out-of-control alcoholic. She says she is the main breadwinner in the family and is angry that Mario caused her to lose h…   Pine Street Inn shifts from beds to housing I mean I'm a serious alcoholic,” he says. “Once I start … They are men and women who go to emergency rooms for healthcare, driving up costs and getting treatment that can, as some advocates say, “wash off in the rain” if they continue to live on the … Read more on CommonWealth magazine Read more... ...

Anyone Tried DrNatura or Other “Detox” or “cleanses”? Anyone Think Its Crap?

Question by curiousguy: Anyone tried DrNatura or other “Detox” or “cleanses”? Anyone think its crap? Anyone think its a load of crap? (haha no pun intended). Everyone seems to think its great, but I’m pretty skeptical. Anyone found any scientific evidence refuting the effectiveness of these detox systems? Best answer: Answer by RickydotcomCritics point out that the human liver, kidneys, lungs and skin have evolved to adequately expel environmental contaminants and are perfectly equipped to continue to do so unassisted. Although detox diets or supplements may make you feel better, the scientific basis for such is somewhat lacking and there’s little evidence that there’s any good to be gained from following them. “Buyer beware.” Read more... ...

Is Sugar Alcohol in Foods Harmful if You Have Liver Disease?

...  by just4metoknow: Is sugar alcohol in foods harmful if you have liver disease? Best answer: Answer by SSP Bowl Dudeno Answer by abijannThat is an excellant question. I believe you should check with your hepatologist or gastroenterologist to be absolutely sure. These are some quotes from places I researched about sugar alcohol… Quote from Livestrong: “Don’t let the word “alcohol” confuse you — sugar alcohols do not contain alcohol in the traditional sense of the word, as in the alcohol you find in beer or wine.  ...

Medical Questions, Gum Sore and Auto-Immune Problems?

Question by Debbie Kromer: Medical Questions, gum sore and auto-immune problems? About 20 yrs ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Since that time I have developed gout in my left knee, Dupuytrens’ in both hands and possibly my feet. I have also been diagnosed with Sarcoidosis of the skin, (they pulled a quarter size lump out of my arm). I had to have all my teeth pulled and before I could start implants I developed a white sore in my lower jaw. There was a biopsy and they checked for 3 different conditions, all negative. This sore is extremely painful and none of the pain or other meds have made any difference. I am now waiting to see a oral pathologist, after seeing a dentist 2 myofascial specialists and neurologist. My Primary wants a cat scan on my lower jaw and neck. This has been going on for about 5 mo. now and I’m getting desperate. Also, I wonder my body seems to come up with a new condition on a regular basis. Any suggestions are greatly apppreciated.  ...

Mood-Stabilizing Drug Could Treat Inherited Liver Disease, Says Pitt/Children

...  drug could treat inherited liver disease, says Pitt/Children … In a study published today in the Public Library of Science One, they used a primitive worm model to show that a drug typically used to treat agitation in schizophrenia and dementia has potential as a treatment for ?-1 antitrypsin (AT) deficiency, an … Read more on EurekAlert (press release) Prison data reveals disorders are severe for many mentally ill inmates NORMAN — Two times a day, seven days a week, hundreds of prisoners at Joseph Harp ...

Risks of Drinking Alcohol: the Notices of Drinking Beer

Many people like to drink beer. In fact, drinking beer moderately can be beneficial to human body. Beer contains abundant sugar, vitamins, amino acid, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and so on. Drinking beer can supplement much water and eliminate weariness for human body. When we drink beer, our high pressure can be alleviated and digestion can be effectively improved. In addition, beer contains low contents of sodium, alcohol and nucleic acid. The absorption of sodium, alcohol and nucleic acid can increase the blood supply for the brain, expand coronary artery and accelerate metabolism.   Read more... ...