How Long Did the “Great Depression” Last?

Question by Funloving: How long did the “Great Depression” last?
Why do conservatives believe Obama should have turned this depression around sooner?
The “Great Depression” started under another Republican, Hoover. Wall Street was at the center of that one too!
It lasted for 12 years, one reason it ended was because we were attacked December 7th 1941.
What programs did Roosevelt introduce to turn the economy around? WPA , CCC, etc How are those programs different than the Stimulus by Obama?

Best answer:

Answer by Tea

Answer by Conservative Patriot
We did not have extreme debt like we do now.

Obama alone added about $ 6 trillion in debt in 2 1/2 years.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Program has impact on Late Life Depression

Filed under: centers for depression

“If you go to a primary care physician, you just go to your doctor,” says Rita Haverkamp, a depression care manager at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center. “If you go (to IMPACT) you get a care manager, and a psychiatrist who backs us up.


Duke-led study: Depression may put heart at risk

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Each year, 5 million people suffer heart failure in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, treating these patients cost over $ 100 billion in 2010. Many risk factors can lead to heart failure, including high blood pressure …
Read more on News & Observer


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