Stroke Rehabilitation – My Brother Begins to Walk Again


Stroke Rehabilitation – My Brother Begins To Walk Again – My brother had his 2nd stroke on Dec 26, 2009 (caused by uncontrolled diabetes & uncontrolled hypertension). This video was taken on Jan 20, 2010 at Physiotherapy Centre, Putra Specialist Hospital, Batu Pahat. After the 4th series of physiotherapy, alhamdulillah my brother began to use his impaired limbs to walk slowly and better. He now gains strength to do daily chores, also achieve better posture and more balance while walking (learning the techniques which can prevail him from falls). Stroke rehabilitation involves a number of therapies, like electrical stimulation, all designed to restore function to my brother’s affected limbs. Stroke rehabilitation is not complete without the help of . My family would like to extend our gratitude to Physiotherapy Centre Team, Putra Specialist Hospital, Batu Pahat for their excellent and dedicated services.


Ottawan Anderson Bihler, 7, defies the odds, begins recovery process from a

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The stroke had left him paralyzed on his left side. “Anderson couldn't look straight on for several days,” said Black. “He had what doctors called left-side neglect. We were told he would need a lot of physiotherapy. We would have to be patient and …
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Katt Wood, a physiotherapist, set up the reActive Foundation to help people in Worcestershire who have had strokes and other brain injuries. She said banks and trusts are unwilling to give grants or loans because the foundation is less than a year old.
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