St. Anthony Foundation Fr. Alfred Center Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center


St. Anthony Foundation Fr. Alfred Center Drug And Alcohol Rehabilitation Center – In an innovative model of drug and alcohol rehabilitation, job skill preparation, and service, The Father Alfred center provides a free comprehensive recovery program for very poor or homeless men. Residents live in a spacious and supportive facility, prepare and serve food in the St. Anthony Dining Room or another service programs, and access on-site support including counseling, employment coaching, and 12 step meetings. This holistic and community oriented program has guided hundreds of people through their first steps of recovery and into successful and stable lives. The first three phases of the Father Alfred Center alcohol and drug recovery program last five to six months. Program participants work in a structured work component for 35-40 hours per week. Intensive rehabilitation is approached holistically through education, individual and group counseling, basic living skills, social skills, recreation, and the development of positive work habits. Residents also participate in an intensive AA/NA based program to support and reinforce a clean and sober lifestyle. The fourth phase of the program lasts six months. During this transitional phase residents prepare for a full return to society, while maintaining a clean and sober lifestyle. Residents go to school, work, or seek employment with support through the Employment Program Learning Center. While continuing their 12-step program, they learn to budget and save enough money for an independent living situation upon


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HANDOUT. Jake "the Snake" Roberts, a former professional wrestler, is battling new opponents — poor health, and weight — with the help of former ring-meister turned yoga and healthy-eating guru Diamond Dallas Page. … He … Read more on Atlanta Journal Constitution

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