Physical Therapist/chiropractor?

Question by THRASHER: Physical therapist/chiropractor?
is a chiropracter the same as a physical therapist???? ive had a couple nagging shoulder injuries(right dislocates, cuff problems, and seperated left) for years and wanted to see a physical therapist, i went and seen a chiropractor and he was talking about massageing my shoulders or something, which i dont think is phsyically strengthening or recovering, so im just wondering if going to see a chiropractor is the same as ?

Best answer:

Answer by mistify
No, physical therapy is not the same as chiropractic care. Some chiropractors say they are “rehab certified”, but this is of little justice to the scope of physical therapy. Being “rehab certified” may mean that the chiropractor has taken a class in modalities, massage, and maybe a basic exercise physiology clinic. Many chiropractors also say they “do physical therapy” (an illegal claim in several states) which to them is only use of modalities …much of which PTs are quickly abandoning due to their ineffectiveness.

Don’t get me wrong, there are many chiropractors who do understand physical therapy principles and apply concepts appropriately…but it is a very heterogenous mix, and often a deceptive one.

You are correct in thinking that massage will not ultimately help the shoulders recover, it takes restoration of the mechanics of the shoulder as well as tissue healing. This almost invariably involves some specific exercises.

If you are looking to rehab your shoulder, I’d either look for a chiropractor who has a better understanding of exercise phyisology and tissue healing or I would simply go to a PT.

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