Alcohol Withdrawal: the Signs of Alcoholism Withdrawal

Many people who have been addicted to something could attest than withdrawing from it is no joke. Take for example a woman who could not sleep at night without getting a can of soda or a man who needs to get a few cigarettes before going to work. Alcoholism withdrawal is the symptoms that one may experience after abruptly quitting their addiction or prolonged use of drinking alcohol. Most people who just suddenly decide to quit drinking suffer more than other addicts in other habits do. Therefore, it is very advisable to seek out a physician’s advice before deciding to quit from your addiction. For most people, it can be severe and unmanageable. Some are lucky enough to be able to survive and recover from the many after-effects of refraining from their old addiction. 

There are many symptoms from alcoholism withdrawal and it varies due to many factors but here are some of the most common and it usually happens to everyone that suffers it. First, to be triggered is an individual’s anxiety. This is the most common reaction to all who have just recently quit a long-term habit. Others include being irritable, feeling nervous, tired, depressed, difficulty in sleeping. It is also common for most people to experience sudden mood swings, constant nightmares, loss of appetite, and loss of sense of balance, vomiting and sweating excessively. For some people, severe symptoms may occur such as convulsions, mental blackouts, hysteria and confusion. The effect varies from person to person and it is very important to seek out medical help from experts to prevent further damages.  

To alleviate alcoholism withdrawal symptoms and prevent it from worsening, maintain a balanced diet, take vitamins and supplements that are advised by your physician. Before going cold turkey, you need to be prepared for the aforementioned symptoms and willing to fight the urge to go back to addiction or to give in to the temptation of quenching the cravings for drink. This is the most difficult phase in quitting, but once you have overcome this stage, you will have a better chance of surviving the whole process. 

If you are experiencing the alcoholism withdrawal symptoms, do not give up on your goal of getting a better life. Stay close with your family, as they are as eager as you are to succeed in quitting your addiction.

Alcoholism is a disease that has been around as long as there has been alcohol. We provide information on alcoholism withdrawal signs. Visit our site today for more information!
By Naomi Smith


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