Strange Depression Problem?

Question by sh4d0w1021: strange depression problem?
for the past 2 weeks i have been very moody. swinging into depression and sadness. it all started 2 weeks ago. wreaked my car and hurt myself. i have been very depressed feeling like something s holding me down. i have been getting into petty fights with my girlfriend and i leave the house less and less. last monday my gf grandfather passed away and i have not seen her in a week. since then we have had 3 fights. we never fought b4 2 weeks ago. the only time im happy is when i see her. could my depression be related to missing my girlfriend. i have beeing very rude and inconsiderate lately and feel alittle angry but i cant figure out y i feel this way i have no reason too. i have a decent job, a beautiful gf that loves me, a supportive family. please help me i feel like im building a wall in my relationship and i cant lose that
my injury is not serious i just have whiplash. i have been getting headaches everyday since. i have not been able to see my girlfriend as much do to this and her grandfather passing away. i have tried many hobbies to try to find something to do when she is not around but nothing satisfies me i get too involved and then i don’t text her and it pushes me farther apart . with my job i can only see her 2-3 days a week if her schedule don’t conflict

Best answer:

Answer by Shift Happens
I know exactly what you are going through and how that feels because I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety in by doctors. I was put on meds to “help” me deal with the depression. It only got worse because the meds numbed me from the world. Eventually my body rejected the medication causing me to go into a nervous breakdown. I didn’t eat or sleep for over a week. I hit rock bottom. I never gave up through all the pain, but went on a mission to find the answers to the questions you are now asking. Today I no longer have depression.

The words I use right now are to be taken very seriously, so read them with an open heart and mind. ONLY continue to read this if you are serious and ready to make a change in your life! I have helped dozens of people eliminate depression completely from their lives, with absolutely NO drugs. Here is what I have discovered, from years of research and real life application, that will help you:

I will start by telling you what depression is not and the misconceptions about it. Know that you are not broken and NOTHING is wrong with you, no matter what the so called “experts” or others tell you!!! You MUST understand that now and know it to be true even though it may not seem like it, yet. Remove from your vocabulary and mind that you are depressed or a depressed person. Our society has become obsessed with labeling people and putting them into boxes. Show me depression, can you hold it in your hands? No, because it’s not a real thing, therefore you can change it whenever you decide to now. Depression is merely a state of mind, just like anger, sadness, happiness, joy, love, etc. EVERYONE experiences it least once in their life. You have gotten really good at mastering the art of Focus. I know this because you can focus on all the crap that is happening around you and in your life.

Just like you can focus on the crap, you can make a conscious decision to STOP and focus on all the amazing things in the world and your life, right now.

1) Make a list of all the people who you love and who loves you, even though you may not feel it, yet.
2)Think of a time in your life where you felt loved or had love towards something or someone. Associate yourself to that moment, right now, and step into the memory. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? How were you breathing? Breath that way now. Good… Now think of another time in your life and repeat the process. Do this at least twice everyday!
3)Get the book Unlimited Power or the program Get the Edge by Tony Robbins. These will change your life forever.

Here are some things you will want to eliminate from your life today! If you watch the news, STOP IT, because the news is all about ratings and they sell people negative crap. Cut out watching horror films or scary movies and replace them with positive, uplifting ones. Do not listen to rap or any music with a negative, depressing message and replace it with music that moves your soul.

I can go on and on, but I think you are beginning to get the picture. This is just the tip of the iceberg. If what I am saying resonates with you and makes sense, let me know and I will continue. Or if it’s not for you at this time, that is fine with me too. I have nothing to sell or gain. Everything I say is out of love and the need to share the truth.

Answer by Nina
Dear One, First, tell your doctor what is going on with your moods and sadness. I do not know how you are hurt, so I don’t know if it is related to physical injury. If it is not related to physical injury, ask for a referral to a counselor. This depression might be situational depression. I could be that since you have been injured, you feel less in control of your life. You might just have to take it easy and heal up and stop worrying. Tell your girlfriend that you miss her and that you love her. Don’t let the fear of it all come between you and your relationships. Accept your temporary injury and the anger should dissipate. Take good care of you.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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