Britain Admits Anti-Drug Laws Are Useless

Britain Admits Anti-Drug Laws Are Useless
In compiling the report Home Office officials visited 11 countries, including the U.S., with a wide-range of drug policies—from Portugal, where all drug use has been decriminalized, to Japan, where a 'zero-tolerance' policy is in operation. The … Read more on Daily Beast

Ballot Measure To Drug-Test Doctors Draws Backlash
Under the proposition, doctors would be drug-tested in three instances: at random, within 24 hours of patients under their care suffering an adverse event, and when they are subjects of a possible report. If it passes, California would … Read more on Huffington Post

Francisco Aguirre, Oregon Immigrant Who Took Refuge In Church, Arrested
Aguirre — who has two children who are U.S. citizens and is now the coordinator of a Portland nonprofit that runs a day labor center — disputes the criminal prosecution on drug-dealing charges 15 years ago. His defense attorney Barbara Gabriela Ghio … Read more on Huffington Post

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