Can You Guys Give Me Some Tips for Managing So Called “Major Depression” and “bipolar” Without Medications?

Question by noone: Can you guys give me some tips for managing so called “major depression” and “bipolar” without medications?
I’m going to the drs office tomorrow and giving her all my meds. I do not want to take them anymore because I’ve only felt worse since I started and they have given me new psychiatric symptoms, and the side effects i was never told about are HORRIBLE.

What are some things I can do to manage deep depression on my own?

Best answer:

Answer by petrof_skinsky
Don’t give up on medications. While some will not work with you, others will. It’s a long process of hit-and-miss, but eventually you will find the combo and dosage that helps you.

Answer by Mbizo
Having suffered depression myself, it took me a long time to finally find a medication that really suited me. I think to simply come off them ‘cold turkey,’ though, is a mistake. The withdrawals could be worse than the actual disease, although I certainly understand your problem.
I have a Website:
It may help you to have a look at it, if only because you’ll be able to read what someone else went through and to see you’re not alone.
I do hope this helps a bit,
Best wishes,

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