Overdosed and Overrun: Alaska's Heroin Epidemic

Overdosed and Overrun: Alaska's heroin epidemic

Filed under: alaska drug rehab

The clinic had been running on flat funding, but state lawmakers committed about $ 210,000 to increase services around Alaska. The Center for Drug Problems would get its share and would be able to increase the number of patients in …
Read more on Anchorage Press


AK: Plant Rehab

Filed under: alaska drug rehab

Devil's club is a common shrub in the wet, cold forests of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. Its bright red berries, tall stalks and large leaves make it easy to spot. But it's best known for its spiky spines, which cause great pain when they scratch …
Read more on Alaska Public Radio Network


Printed letters, October 26, 2012

Filed under: alaska drug rehab

Most people are unaware that the state of Alaska already tried this same “social experiment” in 1975 with disastrous results. Its teen drug-abuse problem grew to double the national average. Fortunately, voters there had the good … It's common …
Read more on Grand Junction Sentinel


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