I Have Been Raised by a Single Mother Since I Was Five. Do You Think I Will Suffer Any Ill Effects?

Question by Object Of It’s Ire: I have been raised by a single mother since I was five. Do you think I will suffer any ill effects?
My mother, Monique, divorced my father when I was five and we left to live by ourselves. I’m a bit worried by statistics which indicate I am more likely to criminally offend or become violent than someone raised in a two parent family.

But.. I think that’s baloney and that I’ll turn out fine.
Thanks for the support everyone. I ask mostly because of this:

Best answer:

Answer by jaaffar s
no you want so stop thinking about it

Answer by bgee2001ca
You are right, it is baloney.

If you were raised right, chances are you will turn out all right.

What do you think? Answer below!


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