How Do Nonautistic People Think and Perceive Things?

Question by stickyshoes: How do nonautistic people think and perceive things?
I’m diagnosed on the autistic spectrum. I was just wondering how different my brain was from everyone else’s, I mean how differently do other people think? Could you give me contrasts and comparisons? I’m on the lighter extreme of the spectrum, and light autism is more like ADD than regular autism- I was just wondering if just having a dash of autism would make me that much different.

Best answer:

Answer by EPnTX
My understanding of autism is that there are no filters, everything gets in: all of the white noise, too much feeling and so forth. I have the ability to ‘tune out’ things if needed. My ignorance of the condition prevents me from answering further.

Answer by Scotty
Nonautistic people perceive things the same as “autistic” people do. “Autism” is just a label for a set of psycho-social traits that psychiatry deems unacceptable. Psychiatry declares your behavior a “disease” that requires “treatment.”

If you look at the “symptoms” of “high functioning autism,” “Asperger’s Syndrome” or “ADD” you’ll see that they are in fact very similar to those of giftedness. You do not have some disease, and you may in fact just be very intelligent.

Such behavioural characteristics that Psychiatry created this unscientific “disease” from are, and always have been, generally considered NORMAL. Now, it seems, inattention or “hyperactivity” (Hyperactivity means ‘excessively active’ — what is excessive? On whose authority?? It’s ridiculous!!) is abnormal, a “mental illness”.

You also need to understand that there is NO science to the way psychiatrists develop their so-called “diseases”. Psychiatrists vote new diseases into existence by simple majority vote.

Herb Kutchins of California State University, Sacramento, and Stuart A. Kirk of the University of California, Los Angeles, authors of Making Us Crazy: The Psychiatric Bible and the Creation of wrote, “the developers of DSM assume that if a group of psychiatrists agree on a list of atypical [new] behaviors, the behaviors constitute a valid mental disorder. Using this approach, creating mental disorders can become a parlor game in which clusters of all kinds of behaviors (i.e. syndromes) can be added to the manual.”

Dr. Thomas Dorman, an internist and member of the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada, wrote, “In short, the whole business of creating psychiatric categories of ‘disease,’ formalizing them with consensus, and subsequently ascribing diagnostic codes to them, which in turn leads to their use for insurance billing, is nothing but an extended racket furnishing psychiatry a pseudo-scientific aura. The perpetrators are, of course, feeding at the public trough.”

Psychiatrists claim that a person “needs” a drug to combat their “chemical imbalance” in the brain which is causing a person’s “mental disorder.” However, the concept that a brain-based, chemical imbalance underlies mental illness is false. While popularized by heavy public marketing, it is simply psychiatric wishful thinking. As with all of psychiatry’s disease models, it has been thoroughly discredited by researchers.

Diabetes is a biochemical imbalance. However, as Harvard psychiatrist Joseph Glenmullen states, “the definitive test and biochemical imbalance is a high blood sugar balance level. Treatment in severe cases is insulin injections, which restore sugar balance. The symptoms clear and retest shows the blood sugar is normal. Nothing like a sodium imbalance or blood sugar imbalance exists for depression or any other psychiatric syndrome.”

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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