Understanding and Healing Depression: Part 1/10


Understanding and Healing Depression: Part 1/10 – Welcome to the first of a series of video blogs on Understanding and Healing Depression. This mental and issue has been receiving alot of attention in the last decade as awareness has grown. The statistics as indicated below show it is not going away, it’s not being healed and it is becoming an increasing problem. Why is this? This is a question we will be exploring in this series of interviews with Adelaide’s Wellbeing Practitioners who understand and treat people with depression naturally. Talking about it can trigger fear in us, and it’s a topic that is easier to ignore. But if you believe in the ripple effect, whatever exists in our community has some impact on all of us somewhere, which means that this issue affects us all at some level. The more we understand it the more we can guide people to the right support or find it for ourselves if we are in this predicament.


Depression patients' toolkit offered online
Called the Help and Healing toolkit, the materials are meant to help patients and doctors collaborate for better treatment of depression. The toolkit includes treatment planning materials, self-management techniques and information to help health care … Read more on Pioneer Press

Returning veterans find ways to adjust
It's just to what degree of depression and hopelessness that you have." "They go into the … "I find music just healing," said Bryce, "and it's a lot of fun just to play in front of people and kind of learn from other people that are in the same … Read more on KKCO-TV

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