Area Rally Focuses on Medicaid, Regional Transit

Area rally focuses on Medicaid, regional transit
The group specified some of their goals as expanding Medicaid, requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning ammunition clips over 10 rounds, reinstituting the assault weapon ban, providing better treatment for the mentally ill and having a … Read more on

2nd VIEW: N. Korea's 'hatred of Christians' puts 70000 believers in prison
Of an estimated 200,000 prisoners in North Korea, 70,000 of them are Christians, Open Doors reported. For the 11th consecutive year, North Korea tops Open Doors' list of the worst countries for its brutal treatment of believers. North Korea is run like … Read more on BP News

NIGERIA: My daughter was killed by her boyfriend
The nurse we learnt, carried out some treatment on Olayinde. What went … will be out. A Christian wake was held at the deceased apartment, located on 17, Muibi street Aguda Ogba, Thursday, while her remains was interred Friday at Atan cemetery, Yaba. Read more on Codewit Global Network


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