Christians, Isn’t It Great to Know That Belief in God Relives Stress, Tension, and Helps Us Heal Faster?

Question by Bulk Vanderhuge: Christians, isn’t it great to know that relives stress, tension, and helps us heal faster?
Also it’s amazing that belief in a “concerned” creator, will actually help in medical treatment. You have a 75% increase in positive response to medicine and treatment JUST due to the fact that you acknowledge God and accept him as real.
This is just part of a glorious truth, that the mere belief in God is healthy to your body…amazing, isn’t it?

University of Toronto psychologists reported last year that “believing in God can help block anxiety and minimize stress,” their research showcasing “distinct brain differences” between believers and nonbelievers.
A new study released Wednesday by Rush University Medical Center in Chicago took the idea a step further.
In patients diagnosed with clinical depression, “belief in a concerned God can improve response to medical treatment,” said the new research, which has been published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology.
The operative term here is “caring,” the researchers said. “The study found that those with strong beliefs in a personal and concerned God were more likely to experience an improvement.”

The researchers compared the levels of melancholy or hopelessness in 136 adults diagnosed with major depression or bipolar depression with their sense of “religious well-being.” They found participants who scored in the top third of a scale charting a sense of religious well-being were 75 percent more likely to get better with medical treatment for clinical depression
Return: LOL, this is not the only study to conclude this. There are dozens that confirm the exact same thing, this is just the newest. You lose, please try again.
Kevin: They did not say, but it would probably be that a “real” belief in any caring, concerned creator would most likely have a positive effect. More proof that we are intended toward the spiritual.
communists: Actually this study shows that you guys did significantly poorer in you control of stress and worry, and healing as well. I guess you guys worry too much.
reverend: The fact that you believe it was put here to “impress” you makes me think you have too high of an opinion of yourself. Have a great day.

Best answer:

Answer by Bill Brasky
So does yoga.

Answer by Pat, or that Jesus guy
Yes. Praise the Lord! But your foul language on your ID might get you cast into hell. Repent!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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