Obama Administration Takes Aim at TPP Countries' Public Interest Policies in

Obama Administration Takes Aim at TPP Countries' Public Interest Policies in
USTR also takes issue with restrictions on importation of pork and alcohol in this TPP negotiating country where three out of every five consumers are Muslims. “Even before the Obama administration's not-so-diplomatic target list of other countries … Read more on Truth-Out

Tammy Henkel: compass, coach and cheerleader for Bristol YWCA
She channels her inner marketing maven when detailing the dangers of drugs and alcohol to the kids at the regional juvenile detention center or when convincing pregnant teens to stay in school. “It's like, you've made a mistake right now, but let's … Read more on TriCities.com

Eric Clapton Partners With Hard Rock To Launch Artist Spotlight Merchandise
"It is a great project and I hope that people will be proud to wear the T-shirts and pins in the knowledge that those in need of rehabilitation from alcohol and drugs will benefit. …. Treatment is provided through residential care, family and … Read more on PR Newswire (press release)


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