If I Get Social Security Disability Can I Still Get a Ccw?

Question by : If I get Social Security Disability can i still get a ccw?
I get Social Security Disability for ” disorders of back “(discogenic and degenerative ) ;”affective mood disorder”.
i got hurt at work.it says in the ss papers depression and anxiety caused from the injury

what i am wondering is does that disqualify me to get a ccw according to “”the requirement……

•Shall not be receiving social security disability benefits by reason of , drug dependence or mental disability;

ccw carrying permit for a gun

Best answer:

Answer by little78lucky
I believe since the depression is mentioned on the papers that it would disqualify you however it doesn’t hurt to try. All they can do is tell you yes or no.

Answer by Flower
Sorry, dont know what CCW is

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16 Abnormal Psychology Mood Disorders


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