Treating Depression Without Medication: Treating Depression Without Drugs

Depression can be summed up in general terms as a feeling of intense sadness that may follow a personal loss or traumatic event lasting for an extended period of time.

When focusing on treating depression without drugs one is really focusing in on a couple of areas, behavioral modification therapy and alternative treatments. First let’s explore the benefits of behavioral therapy as an alternative for treating depression without drugs.

* Behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy that involves working with your doctor to alleviate depressive symptoms. There are many different variations of behavioral therapy and self help options which have been effective in treating depression. Perhaps the most notable of these is or CBT for short. CBT operates on the premise that the way in which a person thinks, perceives, and interprets events plays a major role in their mental and emotional health. Your doctor will work with you to find answers and develop a treatment plan that takes into account both your personality and specific events that may be triggering your depression.

* St. John’s wort – This plant has been widely researched both in the United States and Europe as a way to treat depression naturally. The results of the studies vary greatly as do the general opinions about St. John’s wort itself. While this may be the case, research suggests that this plant works by increasing the feel good hormones in the brain such as serotonin and dopamine. It is generally considered to be safe but with any plant based supplement your should check with your doctor; this is especially true in the area of prescription medication interactions.

* Light therapy – Light therapy is common used as a tool to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of depression. Many people succumb to the blues as seasonal cycles start shorten the days, thus limiting the exposure to sunlight. With light therapy a person is exposed to bright light that is from 25 to 100 times more powerful than a standard 100 watt light bulb. While there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence suggesting that light therapy works there doesn’t seem to be a great deal of comprehensive research supporting the idea. Nevertheless, many doctors suggest a daily walk outside during the brightest part of the day as an alternative to conventional light therapy.

In summary, treating depression without drugs is an approach that is still very controversial. In this article we have just covered the tip of the ice berg in exploring ways to treat depression naturally. The great thing about treating depression without drugs is for the most part these options can be tried without the inherent risk of side effects and discarded if they fail to show results.

Additionally, there seems to be good evidence to support the use of herbal remedies for depression. These all natural formulas are very safe and have shown promise in promoting both mental and emotional health and are a way that many natural health minded individuals are approaching the idea of treating depression without drugs.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about homeopathic natural health visit Purchase



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