A Zombie Scare With a Zombie Chaser

A Zombie Scare With a Zombie Chaser
So naturally, I was at the first showing of “World War Z,” where Brad Pitt fights an army of crepuscular demons to save the world — and without even having Angie's help. One minute Pitt's character, a former United Nations investigator, is making … Read more on New York Times

Daycare may benefit kids of depressed mothers
Researchers have known that depressed women are more likely to have kids who also develop depression and anxiety disorders, and that those problems can extend through the teenage years. "It's interesting to think of this as a possible type of … Read more on Chicago Tribune (blog)

Don't panic! New app tackles student anxiety
The new MindShift mobile app was designed to help users cope with feelings of anxiety, especially as students write nerve-racking final exams this week. The free app unveiled Tuesday was created by B.C. Mental Health and Addiction Services … Read more on CTV News

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