Couples Say Courthouse Weddings Offer Simplicity

Couples say courthouse weddings offer simplicity
The cost for a marriage license is $ 77 unless the couple has had premarital counseling, Spires said. That knocks the fee down to $ 36. It's not uncommon for couples to take care of other business while getting married at the courthouse, Spires said … Read more on Rome News Tribune

Another Billion-Dollar Startup, ZocDoc, Collects Million Convertible Debt
But today ZocDoc is announcing that 1,000 different types of appointments have been booked, from sessions to physicals on its platform. It is also raising a convertible debt note of up to $ 55 million on "company-favorable terms … Read more on Business Insider


What are some important things to know about marriage? – What are some important things to know about marriage?


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