Are People Who Tell Others That They Are Going to Kill Themselves Seeking Attention?

Question by Ghost: Are people who tell others that they are going to kill themselves seeking attention?
Or are they really suicidal and need help? I told people that I had thoughts of killing myself before and they thought i was an attention whor3. But I have clinical depression, and I am on antidepressants. I sent messages to my online “friends” saying that I had been contemplating suicide and some helped and some called me an attention whor3. I was really suicidal at the time and was not seeking attention, I was just seeking help.

Best answer:

Answer by Chanii
Yes and no. There are people who are actually suicidal and turn to a friend for support. There are also people who will tell more than just one person and like to put on a show. They are the ones who are looking for attention.

Answer by hello
No; some people don’t know how to react to you saying that and that’s the only way they know how to respond by putting up a barrier because they can’t handle what you are saying. It doesn’t mean they don’t care; it just means they can’t handle what you are saying.
It is the people who are attention seekers and don’t mean it; that ruin it for the genuine people who mean it. The answer to your question is, no.

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