Shocking: Surgical Anesthetic Appears to Treat Drug-Resistant Depression

Shocking: Surgical anesthetic appears to treat drug-resistant depression
(SALT LAKE CITY)—Although (ECT) has long been considered the most effective treatment of medication-resistant or refractory depression, millions of people who might benefit don't take advantage of it because of the treatment … Read more on Science Codex

Medication or Talk Therapy? PET Scans May Personalize Depression Treatment
Now, Emory researchers, led by Mayberg, are using PET (positron emission tomography) to try to identify which individuals with depression would most likely benefit from medication and who would be helped by a form of talk therapy called cognitive … Read more on


DEPRESSION – Therapy Day – ACT – David tells us all about Accpetance and Commitment Therapy. David on Youtube – The Happiness Trap on Amazon – http:…


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