Book Claims Marilyn Monroe Told Jackie About JFK Affair

Book claims Marilyn Monroe told Jackie about JFK affair
The forthcoming book “These Few Precious Days: The Final Year of Jack with Jackie,” by bestselling biographer Christopher Andersen, describes a formal but close marriage tormented by prescription and frequent infidelities, including a tryst … Read more on Daily Caller

Peggy Noonan: GOP consulting class 'not in touch' with the party's base or
Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan criticized Republican consultants and their inability to connect with the conservative base on Sunday's “Face the Nation” on CBS, while Dan Balz of The Washington Post previewed his new book, “Collision 2012: … Read more on Daily Caller

Candidate: Drugs a health issue
JOHNSTOWN — Erin McClelland, a candidate in next year's race for Pennsylvania's 12th Congressional District seat, has extensively dealt with the kind of heroin-related crime and health issues currently afflicting Johnstown. She conceived … She … Read more on The Tribune-Democrat


Rehabilitation Centers in PA | Drug Rehab PA | Rehabilitation Centers in PA – Pennsylvania drug alcohol rehab concentrates on helping addicts get sober through counseling, clean and sober living accommodations,…


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