Whats the Difference Between Psychiatric Hospital, Psychiatric Ward, Insane Asylum, Mental Hospital and Rehab?

Question by the5500: Whats the difference between psychiatric hospital, psychiatric ward, insane asylum, mental hospital and rehab?

Best answer:

Answer by michele
They are different terms for the same place (i.e., inpatient psychiatric and treatment). The term “insane asylum”, however, is quite antiquated. “Rehab” is more associated with substance abuse treatment facilities. “Psychiatric/mental hospital” is usually a freestanding facility that is devoted solely to treating psychiatric patients. A “psychiatric ward”, is typically housed within a general med/surg hospital.

Answer by carelesswhisper1015
Not a whole heck of alot when you’re locked up in any one of them…I worked in a capacity of this calibur and believe me, what I say is so…….and at times much worse…..

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