Is the Church of Scientology Legally Allowed to Tell a Member With Glaringly Obvious Mental Illness to Not..?

Question by zaaa zaaa: Is the church of scientology legally allowed to tell a member with glaringly obvious to not..?
seek treatment? I don’t mean just the normal type of mental illness like depression/anxiety but really serious stuff like bipolar or schizophrenia. If a member obviously has it wouldn’t it be illegal for the church to tell them not to seek treatment?

Best answer:

Answer by Andrew
No more illegal than it is for the Christian church to keep exploiting their mentally ill members

ie all of them

Answer by K
Yeah, in my opinion. But then, if this person is a firm believer in scientology than they aren’t exactly going to be seeking medical help. So, it’s their choice in the first place. If The Church of Scientology is telling them not to but they DO in fact want medical help, then yeah I think that would be illegal. But hey, The COS is known for pushing their beliefs on people and they seem to get away with alot.

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