Richard Pryor Drug Abuse: More People Dying From Drug Abuse

A new study has found that more people in the United States are dying from drug abuse. The drugs involved include prescription and . In some demographic groups, deaths from “accidental poisonings” are more than ten times higher than they were in the late 1960s.

The numbers of deaths from accidental poisoning is higher in almost every demographic, especially among white Americans. The study was led by Dr. Richard Miech, the head of Health of Behavioral Sciences at the University of Colorado Denver. The study examined data from both the U.S. Census and a register that tracks the number of deaths from various causes. With these two sources of information, the researchers could determine the percentage of people and the demographics that died from drug accidental poisonings each year.

The study discovered that white men and women were more than nine times as likely to die from an accidental poisoning than they were in the late 1960s. Black men and women were about three times more likely to die from an accidental poisoning in recent years than in the late 1960s. According to a government report released in 2004, almost fifty percent of Americans take a drug prescribed by their physicians. That means that there are more drugs available and the possibility of abuse and addiction is greatly increased.

“You can, in fact, overdose on prescription meds just as easily as you can overdose on illegal drugs,” said Theodore Cicero, who studies drug abuse at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. “Addiction is addiction no matter what the drug source is. That message has not yet come across.”

At The Treatment Center, our passion is, simply, you. Our mission is to restore you and your families hope. We exist because we feel strongly about helping people overcome their drug or alcohol addictions in a safe, medically supervised and supportive environment. Our primary job is to help you get sober – and stay sober – restoring your hope in yourself and your future.

The Treatment Center is different than other substance abuse treatment providers – we’re prepared to stand beside you every step of the way in your recovery process.

That’s why we offer a full range of services – all in one location – to ensure that your healing can proceed without disruption:

• Full medical detoxif


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Lenny Bruce, Monty Python, Steve Martin, Saturday Night Live, Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey, Woody Allen, Louis CK, Russell Brand, Jon Stewart, Will Ferrell, Richard Pryor. Aren't they all revo – lutionaries? I could name 50 more. So you can't … Read more on New Statesman

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