How Can I Know if a Psychiatrist Is Legit and Qualified.?

Question by bailey88: How can I know if is legit and qualified.?
Social Security recently sent me to a shrink relating a a disabilty claim. I have a long-standing and documented history of clinical depression, but this is only one factor in my claim. I also suffer from a number of chronic physical conditions. At any rate, I showed up for my appointment. The shrink was 90 minutes late. She spent exactly 5 and a half minutes with me and found “no depression.” At least that’s what I think she said. She did not appear to speak English. I did not understand her and she did not understand me. All I have is a name and address of this doctor. Is there any way to check her out????

Best answer:

Answer by z35012
screw checking her out get another. I wouldnt wait 90 mins again for anyone.

Answer by seixerok
I’m not sure if google does this anymore, but google the adress and you might find an office number, call the office and ask for a fax of the doctor’s diploma.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Patsy Madden on juicing for Chronic Depression & Stress – How Juicing bitter herbs helped her to deal with chronic depression and stress after the death of her mother and brother.


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