Can You Start the Master Cleanse Diet in the Middle of the Day?

Question by Jasmyn Discordia: Can you start the Master Cleanse Diet in the middle of the day?
I’ve had coffee with soy milk creamer and truvia, and a cup of strawberry fields cereal with almond milk. I’m really anxious to just start this. Would this be a bad idea to start now? If anyone has had experiences I’d also like to hear about that! :) Thanks

Also, don’t tell me not to do it or how “unhealthy” it is or whatever. I’m doing it. Please just positive answers.

Best answer:

Answer by EddySays
I’ll make my response as positive as possible.
You are really just looking at a way to empty your entire digestive tract.
This a calorie deficit program. You will lose weight on this diet. The average adult American has eight meals in their digestive system. Five more than they should. By going on a deficit diet like this you can lose around 10 pounds just by not eating.
The signal these starvation diets send the body is that there is no more food available. The body immediately stores any fat it can and begins to convert muscle and even organ tissue first for fuel instead of the stored fat. Stored fat will be used as a last resort when needed.
There is no build up of bad plaque, toxins, or sludge in a normal, reasonably healthy system.
Detoxing is ridding the system – liver, kidneys, and intestines of toxins both internal and environmental. Our liver and kidneys aren’t clogged with toxins.
We “cleanse and detox” naturally 24 hours a day through respiration, sweat, liver, and kidneys.
We can help by eating a healthy diet with minimal added sugar and salt. Lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grain foods, beans, peas, and brown rice keep a system as healthy as it can be.
Minimal alcohol, caffeine, soda.
Read food labels. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t put it in your body.
A healthy high fiber diet works every time.
Increases the speed and efficiency of the digestive system and helps the body rid itself of both internal and environmental toxins.
Cleanses flush out the beneficial bacteria and enzymes in the digestive system.
Search “gut flora” to learn about the beneficial bacteria we need in our colon.
We have more beneficial bacteria in our digestive systems than all the cells in our bodies!
Did you know the digestive system is one of the largest contributors to our immune system?
You will experience gas, cramping, and bloating when you start eating again and the body has to rebuild this bacteria population.
Good luck.

*I edited my much more detailed answer to be as positive as possible. So you can start your cleanse anytime.

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