Drug Allegations, Even if Untrue, May Put Damper on Nigella Lawson's Attempt

Drug allegations, even if untrue, may put damper on Nigella Lawson's attempt
The claims, made during the trial of two Italian sisters accused of fraudulent use of Mr Saatchi's credit cards to the tune of at least pounds 685,000, threw Lawson's US operation into panic on the eve of the Thanksgiving holiday. Executives at Kinetic … Read more on The Province

Macaulay Culkin Is Miles From Kevin As He Performs With New Band And We
It's that time of year when Christmas film fans everywhere dust off their copy of 90s hit 'Home Alone', set up some burglar booby traps and settle down to watch possibly the cutest child actor ever do his thing. But while we'll always know and love … Read more on UK

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