What Is the Difference Between a Respiratory Therapist and a Physical or Occupational Therapist?

Question by don c: What is the difference between a respiratory therapist and a physical or ?

Best answer:

Answer by kimber542002
respiratory therapists administer treatments and adjunctive care to assist the respiratory system. In hospitals, they give breathing treatments, monitor respirator settings, draw arterial blood gases, etc.
physical therapists help people recover after surgery or injury using exercises, walking techniques, strengthening exercises either in the hospital, in the home or in their independent offices.
Occupational therapists assist people who’ve been injured or suffered other trauma to adjust to daily living activities or tasks and perhaps transitional activities.

I’m an RN so this is a broad overview. The particular professionals will have a more specific explanation I’m sure.

Answer by patsakir
a physical therapy most of the times knows respiratory therapy (in my country must).But if not there should be soemone more spesialized in this area…then we talk about a respiratory therapist. I don’t think that occupational therapist know of repiratory therapy

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