I Cant Deal With My Depression Anymore?

Question by Alex: I cant deal with my depression anymore?
Im 25 and struggle with clinical depression, general anxiety disorder, and attention deficit disorder. I have no friends I work a regular minimum wage job and haven’t finished college. I have no ambitions whatsoever. I panick when I try and talk to people and I feel like im just in this world for no reason. Its like people say “Oh stop moping around or what’s wrong with you, why you so pissed go take your medication?” This previous job I use to have most of the empleyees would say I was weird and just talk sh*t about me and at the time I was going through a bad withdrawal I completely stopped taking this medication I was on Clonazepam and some other depression pills it was the most horrible experience. I feel completely drained…Someone recommended I should trying maybe going to church some day to see how I like it. I went one day by myself and it was this big fancy church. I sat at the very back just to kind of watch. This couple in front of me didn’t even shake my hand when you do the whole hand shaking thing. The lady was such a f*cking ***** she just stared at me with this weird look. It makes you think how many hypocrites there are in this world who say to love one another. Only one guy was nice enough to shake my hand and just smile at me. I just want to be happy like everyone else.

Best answer:

Answer by John
Stop looking around you for way to end your depression.
Look inside yourself, find out who you really are and listen to your own feelings to find out what makes you happy.
Don't rely on others to tell you what should make you happy.
Also, in stead of fighting your "inner demons", stop fighting them and start understanding why they are there, and how they got there.

Answer by Mase
never stop taking clonaz cold turkey. ur life will crumble b4 ur eyes. go c a therapist yo

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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