I’m Think I Have Depression. What Do I Do?

Question by : I’m think i have depression. what do i do?
I don’t know why, but im pretty sure i have depression. I took many online diagnostic tests and they all say i have moderate to severe depression. I’m only 18 years old and even though i kind of told my mom, she basically said that doctors will only give me medication which i shouldnt take at my age.
so instead i’ve been consuming a lot of marijuana….self medicating. ive been drinking a little (alone) to help sooth these feelings…but now i feel like its not helping. i thought if was helping, but when i dont have any, i feel even worse…like all my feelings have built up. the drugs and alochol have only numbed my feelings.

i think i want to give anti depressants a chance. ive tried other things, but they dont help. maybe anti depressants can help turn my mood around which will turn my life around.

but my mom would never take me and im under her insurance. maybe i would be open to a little counseling but i dont know how i feel about talking (and crying) in front of a stranger.

Best answer:

Answer by Lacy Jackson
A good medication for depression is symbalta. They help with feelings of depression, thoughts of suicide, and prevent thoughts of not wanting to live. Hope this helps and get well soon.

Answer by vincegill
“Depression is a problem that affects over 5% of adults each year. While traditional pharmaceutical treatment is available for, many people can treat their depression with alternative treatments. This article discusses several alternative treatments for depression.”
Link: http://www.depressiontreatments.biz/
Also try some laughter medicine – http://www.squidoo.com/healing-with-laughter

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