A Shoulder to Cry On

A Shoulder to cry on
The causes may be varied but these in most cases lead to severe mental depression that drives the victim over the edge. Many of these cases of sad and untimely termination of life could probably have been averted if the victim … Large number of self … Read more on Oman Daily Observer

Baby name honour for Worcestershire helpline angel
Other reasons children called were depression (10 per cent), self-harm (six per cent) and suicide (five per cent). Mr Butler is also the chairman of Malvern Friends of ChildLine, which raises vital funds to support the service. “As a volunteer, I know … Read more on Worcester News

Jake Spelic Named U-Haul District 14 Area District Vice President
In doing so, Spelic will focus on adding additional centers and dealerships, which will help to increase U-Haul presence in communities throughout eastern Canada. Spelic knows that it's his teams' job to move people to a better life, and … U-Haul was … Read more on Canada NewsWire (press release)


Self Help Dating – Self help wasn’t always associated with dating. The dating niche has picked up a lot in the last few years, growing considerably in that period of time. However, many of the supposed best on the internet or in stores were flawed, especially the ones dealing with dating or “picking up” someone. The reason is they were written by “pickup artists” who only cared about getting laid by whatever means necessary; lying to others or to oneself about who they were to impress. Or they were just full of straight crap that any hack can come up with. I’ve personally read some of the bad and the good and I can honestly say there are good ones out there. For example, although geared more for men, the Tao of Badass was actually quite informative. It shows you how to understand women and use that to your advantage when approaching one that you like. For More Information On Self Help Dating Please Visit www.selfhelpwhiz.com

