Advanced Physical Therapy: Travel Physical Therapy Companies

The first thing you’ll want to look for in a travel therapy company is a company that specializes in jobs exclusively for traveling therapists. You might find an agency or two that typically do local placements but only have a few traveling jobs. These agencies are not best suited to place you in travel therapy positions because they lack the experience to help anticipate and avoid many of the common pitfalls that can occur when placing people in travel therapy jobs.

When you pair up with an experienced travel therapy company they’ll know exactly what they need to ask for with you in mind. For example, typically all or some combination of your traveling, housing and meal costs will be covered by the company you work for. These are issues that must be negotiated and clearly outlined for you. It’s best to leave these issues to the people who’ve focused an entire business on them.

You’ll also want to choose a company that specializes in travel placement because they’ll have the largest variety of positions to choose from. Even if you think you know exactly the type of position you want, it’s best to keep your options open. A few months from now you might find that you’d like to try out a rural area or a smaller hospital than you’re used to working in. If you’ve chosen a travel therapy company that has a variety of positions available they can help you move on to the right job for your next move.

Obviously you will also want to make sure that you’re being fairly compensated for your work.

Often times with travel physical therapy jobs the pay will be on a different scale than a long term position would be. As previously mentioned, you will also need to negotiate things like travel costs and housing. Travel therapy companies specializing in these types of travel jobs will know exactly how much you can get for your services and will be in a much better position to get you what you deserve.

Taking a travel physical therapy job can be a lot of fun in the right circumstances. As long as you have adequately planned for your job and know exactly what to expect, it’s likely it will be an experience that you’ll remember fondly for a lifetime. Just be sure that you’re pairing up with an experienced company that knows the ins and outs of the traveling physical therapy circuit to help put you in the best position to get everything you’re looking for and deserve.

Maryann Thomas, Clinical Director for Advanced Medical Personnel Services, graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Since then, Maryann has been instrumental in the success of Advanced Medical Personnel Services, a company that offers traveling occupational therapist jobs, physical therapy careers, and travel slp jobs.



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