Advice to Find Alternative to Oxy?

Question by bobby joe: advice to find alternative to oxy?
Everyday is the same thing. Get money, get oxycodone. I care about nothing else in the world right now. It would be easy to say just stop but the problem is when i go more than a day without it I find life is just not worth living, not to mention I feel physically bad. I have no motivation to stop because I have literally nothing else in the world going for me. I know this is kind of a rant, but does anybody have any advice or anything at all? and not just, “you should go to rehab”

Best answer:

Answer by SuperUberBob
Note: Do NOT abuse another drug while taking oxycodone.

First, slowly wean yourself off of the drug. Steadily drop the amount you are taking until you are no longer taking it. You may not necessarily get the high you want, but if you want to get off of it then it’s either that or cold turkey.

As for alternates, I think the best alternate is to not go on another drug. I was once addicted to benzos, most notably Valium. I’ve been clean for several years and have had a more fulfilling life without it. Getting off of an is NEVER easy, but stick with it and it will be worth it in the end.

Answer by John Souza
you’re best off discussing this with your doctor because he’s the one with the prescription pad.

percocet = oxycodone/apap by the way. perhaps if you’re only taking 2 x 20mg of the OP’s a day your doctor might be open to taking the equivalent percocet dosage though you’ll be dosing more than twice a day if you need round the clock relief, which suspect because you’re on extended release meds. the amount of APAP you’ll be consuming shouldn’t be a concern either, not until you’re bordering on the 4000mg/day limit. long term it may be an issue.

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