Alcohol Addiction Programs — Alcoholism Recovery


Alcohol Addiction Programs — Alcoholism Recovery – A man passionately describes the merits of the staff at Brighton Center for Recovery that he says saved his life. He describes the proper mindset needed for anyone to conquer their alcohol addiction. The best drug and alcohol addiction help is what Brighton is all about. Brighton Center for Recovery is the second oldest in the United States and the first to be licensed in Michigan. A national leader in alcohol treatment and counseling services that began in the early 1950’s. Additionally, we treat addictions to: meth, marijuana, pot, crack, heroin, cocaine, speed, oxycontin, coke, prescription pain pills, ecstasy, plus.


Addiction programs set to expand

Filed under: alcohol addiction programs

STAUNTON — While the Valley by next year will lose a detoxification center that has been in the area for almost 30 years, it will gain and expand on other much-needed services to help people addicted to drugs or alcohol. Valley Community Service Board …
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Alcoholism twice as deadly for women as for men

Filed under: alcohol addiction programs

Among men with alcohol addiction, the death rate was about double that of men in the general population. Additionally, alcoholics in the study who underwent specialized medical treatments or detoxification programs were no more likely to survive than …
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