'American Idiot' Gets Smart, Lively Treatment on Kauffman Center Stage

'American Idiot' gets smart, lively treatment on Kauffman Center stage
The musical “American Idiot” opens with a call to arms. The show's protagonist, Johnny, cries, “Let's start a war,” and the wall of media behind him, including several TV screens, lets the audience know, in general terms, against whom war will be waged. Read more on Star

Genoa man wants to help students avoid mistakes
He said Francine Sumner, chief probation officer; Dennis McHale, a treatment counselor; Livingston County Sheriff Bob Bezotte; and Lt. Tom Cremonte, jail administrator, understand the problem and are willing to help. Addictions to opiate-based … Read more on Kansas City Star

'What will it cost?': Rising deductibles force many to base medical decisions
Note that treatment for most conditions found during screening are subject to cost-sharing with patients. Some of the conditions for which screening is available: >> For adults: Alcohol and drug abuse, aortic aneurysm, blood pressure, cholesterol … Read more on Omaha World-Herald


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