Anyone Else Gonna Boycott the History Channel?

Question by LIBERTY4EVER: Anyone else gonna boycott the History Channel?
Geeze…I’m watching “Crash: The Next ” and so far the main thing being preached about the economy today is due to de-regulation and an “unfettered” capitalist market. Wow. No mention (yet) of Keynesian economics, market manipulation, the failure and unconstitutionality of the Federal Reserve. It’s early yet, but I’m already sick. Once the media is in the collectivist pocket, there is no-where safe to go!
I guess if everything is “The History Channel”…lol. I boycotted FOX News a long time ago. I usually get my news and history through books like “The Law” by Frederic Bastiat, The Constitution, “The Road to Serfdom” by F.A. Hayek etc. If people informing people of the direction to economic and/or civic failure, and then we follow that direction…I guess I’m a conspiracy theorist? wow. Read any good books lately? Nothing fiction…but actual history. Better yet, when was the last time you actually read the Constitution?
Dumdum…you may have a point. I guess I’m just looking for other angles to be presented instead of bashing “capitalism”. I would agree that “unfettered” capitalism (as with anything “unfettered”) can be (and has proven to be) a bad thing. However (and I stick to my original points), where is the mention of the Fed Reserve? Where is the mention of the failures of fiat money? Where is the mention of the CRA of 1977? Where is the mention of people that have predicted this (Peter Schiff, Ron Paul et al.)? This show (guy just said that we cannot allow the market to fail as it would affect too many). This is not a “balanced” presentation at all. It is one sided and I don’t like it. I cannot apologize for that.
“FDR’s ‘New Deal’ would have an impact on the fiscal problems of his time, but would it work today”?

It didn’t work the FIRST TIME! This is what I mean folks.
FYI…I refuse to give thumbs down on my questions…so they are not from me. Dumdum…I actually gave you a thumbs up!
Sorry, I meant Grump…
Marine5…first off…Semper Fi and thank you for your service (I too earned the title). Secondly, I am trying to be very open minded. I just think that to say that our economy is due primarily with deregulation with no mention of the Federal Reserve (and how it manipulates market, has no oversight etc.) or other factors (like the CRA, or government spending…to include he military industrial complex) is questionable. Would you not agree?

Best answer:

Answer by nothingconstant

When everyone tells you it’s one thing that you don’t like to hear, at what point do you become a conspiracy nut?

Answer by Spud
When is that on? I’d like to get the facts on the Bush Depression.

Edit: I’m watching it now! Thanks…it makes a lot of sense!

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