As a Childhood Teacher Which Is Closest to My Field, Rehab, Occupational Therapy or Physical Therapy?

Question by RichardK: As a childhood Teacher which is closest to my field, Rehab, Occupational Therapy or ?
I am currently a Teacher in the field of childhood education. I would like to change careers and study either Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy, or Physical Therapist. Which is the closest to my current position as teacher, so that I may apply some credits or experience. Or can you please tell me which is the nearest or closest to my role as a teacher? Thankyou

Best answer:

Answer by mistify
Between PT and OT, probably OT, but we are probably splitting hairs. Both PT and OT typically have prerequisite requirements for psychology, but there’s probably a lot of courses you didn’t have that you would need to take whether you decided to do PT or OT. As far as “rehab”, this is a term used to describe a variety of careers that involve rehabilitation including PT, OT, speech, psych, medicine, nursing, vocational rehab, rec therapy, etc.

You’ll probably get some credit for some psych and stats if you had it. Otherwise, you are still looking at taking a variety of science courses before you can apply to PT or OT school.

Answer by allen r
Rehab offers second life to people. OT is about preventing bed sores and flexing unused muscles, PT is like ongoing rehab. Why don;t you become a Sp. Ed teacher? Isn’t that only another year of classes?
Are you getting out of teaching? I don’t blame you. I wrote a book on the subject, here:

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Occupational Therapy – Occupational Therapy song and rap to TLC’s Waterfalls. Lyrics: A homeless child hangin out on the street And hes getting used to feeling neglected. He joins a gang to give his life some meaning, And to feel he finally is respected. But hes not acting like a kid anymore, Cause there are things to which he does not have access. There are no meaningful occupations in which he can engage, Hes suffering occupational injustice. What does he need? Occupational Therapy Can provide this kid with new meaningful activities He can learn art, music, dance, and make his way off the streets With just a little OT An older woman lookin outside her window Confined to her home because of her weakness. She hasnt seen the world in such a long time, Cause she cannot go outside without assistance. But theres no one around to take care of her, Because she never had the chance to have children. So she just let all her habits, roles, routines deteriorate. Her quality of life is gravely diminished. What does she need? Occupational Therapy Can get this woman out and about in her community. She can develop new habits so she can restore her routines With just a little OT. Occupational Therapy Focuses on all peoples skills of daily living Whether it be social, leisure, work, rest, or mobility Its all considered OT. I seen an OT yesterday She helped me regain, Some of my function gave me hope that I could participate In areas of occupation like play Another way, to engage, in my life and its activities


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