Brainwave Imbalance Found to Influence Alcoholism

Brainwave Imbalance Found to Influence Alcoholism
As you know, alcoholism not only affects the alcoholic, it affects the alcoholic's family, friends, and coworkers. The spouse of an alcoholic often must take on the roles and responsibilities of both partners, and often suffers from feelings of guilt … Read more on WebWire (press release)

Carly Keyes: In case of SAD, seek help
But in the midst of a depressive state, sometimes it's not so easy to move a muscle to change a thought. Telling someone who's clinically depressed to “just cheer up” is like telling an alcoholic to “just quit drinking.” This is not a quick fix … Read more on The Michigan Daily


How is Alcoholism Diagnosed? – Alcoholism should be officially diagnosed by a professional. However, if you are concerned about certain drinking habits, watch this video to learn…