Broomfield Enterprise in the Pews April 3

Broomfield Enterprise In the Pews April 3
The theme for Sunday Lenten worship Cross of Christ Lutheran Church,12099 Lowell Blvd., is "On the Road with Jesus," each week will include a Gospel reading about a person's encounter with Jesus on his way to Jerusalem. The church also will hold … Read more on Broomfield Enterprise

The Little Gulag
Residential and the like run them. Open custody–”. Dax laughed. “So this mystery program… it's not a prison and it's …. Peter, get a hold of yourself for Christ's sake! Read the goddamn book! Watch TV! You can't just sit here … Read more on Hamilton Spectator

Laugh it Off
Cancer Treatment Centers of America is starting to adopt laughter therapy as a tool to help cancer patients. Dr. Katherine Puckett introduced laughter therapy to the Midwestern Regional Medical Center when a patient asked for it. Now laughter clubs or … Read more on Delta News Web

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