Can Anyone Give Me More AA Comments That AA Members Wouldn’t Like to Hear?

Question by Jamie: Can anyone give me more AA comments that AA members wouldn’t like to hear?
I stop going to AA because it has done more harm than good. These AA people gives me their phone numbers and when I call them, they never call back or they keep saying the only way your going to get sober is through AA. Whenever I tell them my problems, they step all over me as if they know all the answers instead of sharing our experiences I also realized that AA can be addictive, I see the same people everyday saying the same thing over and over again.

So, can anyone give me more comments that AA members would not like to hear?(example, I feel like saying F**** Bill W. and F*** the 12 steps, better yet, just drink and shut the F*** UP)

Best answer:

Answer by Sea
more “harm” would mean to me you are continuing to drink. you have to do some work and WANT to stop drinking. Once your world has fallen apart to the point you’d crawl to a meeting if it meant not taking another drink, then only will you “get it”. They could care less if you or any ONE person in particular shows up at a meeting. AA will go on with or without you. Drink Up. Keep it simple DCIK FOR BRAINS ! Sounds like you’ve really got your chit together.

Answer by raysny
You want to know what bothers them worst of all? Staying sober without them.

Drives ’em nuts. They want to believe they’re in on some sort of secret. AA is nothing more than a splinter group of a Christian sect (the Oxford Group) that fell apart after the leader backed Hitler. Don’t buy into AA’s lie that people can’t get sober without them, the truth is between 75 and 80% of all alcoholics get sober without ANY treatment or programs.

You want really good ammunition? AA works for about 5% of the people try AA. Quitting on your own has about a 5% success rate. Since AA does not affect the rate of natural remission, it can be said that AA has a 0% success rate. There are plenty of other methods that achieve better results than AA, you can find some of them here:

In fact, AA may do more harm than good. The Brandsma study took people arrested on alcohol offenses and divided them into three group, one group got AA, one group received no treatment, and one group received rational emotive therapy. The AA group indulged in five times as much binge drinking as the group that received no treatment, nine times as much as the group that received RET.

Check out “The Effectiveness of the Twelve-“:

Check out the whole site:

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