Christians: What Do You Think About Obama Using Christian Dogma to Encourage Taxing Rich People?

Question by Desiree: Christians: what do you think about Obama using Christian dogma to encourage taxing rich people?

To me, I think it was calling out rich Christians for being a bunch of hypocrites. Obama can be really subtle in his speeches, I find. And don’t you agree that the “trickle down economics” of the Republican golden era is responsible for the state of the poor economy? Rich people’s money never “trickled” through the economy like it was supposed to. Instead, it trickled out of the country into offshore, tax-free bank accounts. And even though there is some truth in saying, “No nation ever taxed itself into prosperity,” prosperity is a bridge we have not yet come to. The bridge immediately before us is a bridge called “recovery,” economic recovery to be precise, and as far as I can see, economic recovery is fuelled by a fairer tax system. And I think mythical Jesus would support a fairer tax system if he was real, don’t you think so too?

Best answer:

Answer by Praecipuus
Bad. Christian dogma and politics don’t mix.

Answer by turdel
the neegro gots to do what the neegro gots to do.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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