Do Mood Stabilizers Help in the Process of Quitting Smoking?

Question by White Magic: Do help in the process of quitting smoking?
I take lamotrigine for manic-depressive illness and I was curious if this medication might make quitting smoking a bit easier. I was considering taking a tiny bit more during the quitting process…What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by Dionne Ashley
FIRSTLY; many drugs used to treat bipolar disorders have a very small window of therapeutic benefit and possible life-threatening toxicity levels in the blood, (therapeutic- to-LETHAL doses are not very far apart with some of these drugs), so dont adjust your dose without asking your Doctor first!
Only a doctor could really provide you with a satisfactory answer for your individual mental health/physical health, etc. However, there are medications that are approved for both quitting smoking and depression. I don’t know of any drugs that treat bipolar AND are used for smoking cessation, but I’m not a doctor! I do know that I have taken biolar meds myself with anti-smoking aids that also served in conjunction as an anti-depressant medication:
“Bupropion (brand name= Wellbutrin), is an antidepressant medication. Bupropion is used to treat major depressive disorder and seasonal affective disorder. At least one brand of bupropion (Zyban) is used to help people stop smoking by reducing cravings and other withdrawal effects. Bupropion may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.”-
-You can find this example and others in more detail on or you can search the FDA database (or federal enforcement equivalent if you’re not in the US, just be sure your sources are reliable!).
*A bipolar disorder could complicate the issue so be sure you discuss your options with your prescribing doctor prior to maling any med changes!

Answer by CTC
Talk to ur dr. Most people smoke when they get anxious. Ur dr can prescribe something to help u quit and deal with the deppression after u quit. The best way is to gradually cut down so ur mind and body can get used to it. Once ur down to 1or 2 cigs a day its only a matter of willpower.
Try holding off of having ur morning cig for an hour. I found doing that made me have less of an urge to smoke during the day.

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