Drinking Alcohol Can Impair Your Brain by 20%


Drinking Alcohol Can Impair Your Brain by 20% – Researchers from the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain have found that having three pints of beer, or three medium size glasses of wine a week ca…


WNC groups prepare for launch of health marketplace
In a response to the letter from the congressional committee, Jim R. Esquea, assistant secretary for legislation for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, expressed concern “about the timing of your inquiry given its potential to interfere … Read more on Asheville Citizen-Times

Inaugural Out of the Darkness Community Walk successful
Those can include depression, talking about death, withdrawing, feeling hopeless, feeling rage, feeling trapped, alcohol and , losing interest in things they enjoyed, changes in eating and sleeping habits, giving away prized possessions and … Read more on Fort Morgan Times

As the weather cools, try a body cleanse
I am really a hedonist at heart — something that can be challenging to balance when you have such a concern for healthy eating and living. … Exercise, practice yoga, meditate, eliminate sugar, alcohol and anything processed for the entire week. Take … Read more on Tallahassee.com

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